Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Baby Named

Ed Jr. and Wendy wanted us to know they have named the new baby, Judson Jacob Whitehurst, and will call him Jake.

Merry Christmas From Ed & Annette

Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Baby Whitehurst

Ed Jr and Wendy have a new little boy( name unknown at this point) who was born last night around 10:45 p.m. He weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy 21st to Angel Edwards

"Some pics from Angels 21st Birthday on December 14th. We celebrated at Boli's on the Blvd...Had a great time.. "
Caroline Edwards

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chorus Concert

Christopher attends the School of Song in Greenville. The Greenville and Goldsboro classes joined in Snow Hill to give a concert last Friday night.

Carolyn, My Niece From Michigan

My niece, Carolyn James and her friend, Jim, at her Ski Club Christmas Party.

Engagement Announcement

Courtney is the daughter of my first cousin, Brenda Hall and her husband, who live in New Bern.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Free Music Lessons for Senior Citizens

This information was posted on a Yahoo Group I belong to and thought there may be someone out there who would be interested. Annette
Dr. Jennifer Bugos, Associate Professor of Music Education and Research, East Carolina University Bulletin Announcement:East Carolina University Community Music and Research Program.
Are you between the ages of 60-87?
Do you enjoy listening to music?
Ever wanted to learn to play a musical instrument?
We are examining the effects of three music programs on successful aging in adults (ages 60+). These programs include percussion ensemble, music appreciation, and piano instruction.
The next session of classes will beginin January (Group Piano Instruction and Percussion Ensemble). If you are interested, please contact us soon for more information. There is no cost for participation. Each program meets once a week. All materials will be provided. Participants who complete the study will receive $70.00 from theRetirement Research Foundation. Please call Dr. Jennifer Bugos at EastCarolina University at 252-328-5721 or e-mail bugosj@ecu.edu for more information.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Adult Christmas Party Reminder - Dec 5 ( 8-Until)

(Click to Enlarge)

Barbara Celebrates After 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk

Picture of Barbara, Bob & Connie's daughter, holding roses!

Thanks for walking.

Critters in the Woods Near the Old Big Dog Track

Camera shots of animals in the woods that adjoins Ed's farm.

Thanksgiving in Michgan at Sharon's House

Part of my James Family in Michigan!!!
Sharon celebrated Thanksgiving a few days early with family from out of town.
Chris, Shawn, Erin, Robert, Robin, Leigh, Sharon, Joe

Callie Nelson, Sick

Susan called this morning to let us know that Callie Nelson from Bethel, a childhood friend of Cameron's, has a reoccurance of cancer and is already undergoing chemo treatments. Please keep Callie and her family in your thoughts and prayers.