Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ed Whitehurst Softball Field

Ed Whitehurst Softball Field

Learning to Crochet!

Madonna Cherry, wife of Stan Cherry (Ed's cousin), works at Pitt County Memorial Hospital in the IT Department. She decided to teach a crocheting class at the Pactolus Resource Building beside the Fire Station recently. The class will last for 4 weeks, meeting on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Tuesday was the first night. The only cost of the class is to donate 2 crocheted hats for cancer patients at PCMH. If anyone may be interested, you can contact Madonna at

Kevin, Farrish and Kelli attended the first, basic class. They had a great time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Update on Karen's Husband, Scott

Scott begins radiation this morning at 7, which will be every day during the week for 7 weeks, I believe. He also begins chemo this morning at 8:30, which will last 6 hours one day a week for about 7 weeks. Thank you for all the support he has received. Please continue to keep Scott and his family in your prayers.
Thanks, Annette

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Traci & Family Go to Oak Island

Looks like the fishing was pretty good!

Harrison Turns 7

Harrison, son of Traci & Tim Detter from Charlotte, has a party for his 7th birthday. Harrison is Ed's great nephew.

Talen Is One Year Old

Talen, Janene's grandson and Kristen's son, turned 1 on Sunday, September 27. (My birthday!!)
Here are some pictures of him celebrating.