Monday, November 30, 2009

Farrish's Mom & Finance Win Flotilla

"Our first place win at the Swansboro Flotilla. Lots of fun!" Leah Evans
Farrish's mom and Darryl won the holiday flotilla in Swansboro this weekend. He films and produces the Carolina Fishing show on Sunday mornings.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Farrish's Little Girl, Jessica

Pictures from Jessica's adoptive family. She's a lucky little girl to have so many people who love her!

"I hope that you and your families had a nice Thanksgiving. We had a very nice and relaxing time with family and friends here. Attached are a few cute pictures of Jessie in her halloween costume. She won first prize in the costume contest at our church and got a $15 gift card to Walmart! Everyone thought she was so cute (and she really was!). I will send a few more pictures in another email and we will be sending a letter and pictures in the mail in a few weeks. Take care!

Bettie, Sam, Sammy, Sue, and Jessie

Additional Pictures of Jessica

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to Beth & Judson

Beth & Judson Whitehurst will celebrate Thanksgiving Day in Costa Rica this year! Hope they are having a great time.

Cousin Brent Headed to Sonoma for Thanksgiving

I was communicating with my cousin, Brent, who lives in California and it sounds like he has a perfect Thanksgiving Day planned!
"Our kids are all gone to in-laws, Deb and I are going to Sonoma, visit wineries and have TG Lunch at the Sonoma Inn."

Happy Holidays Be Merry,

Brent Fleming

Whitehurst Thanksgiving & Tree Decorating

Thanks to all those who attended the Whitehurst Thanksgiving Luncheon on Sunday. I think everyone had a great day, good food and beautiful weather.

Whitehurst Thanksgiving & Tree Decorating

(click to enlarge pictures)

Sharon & Joe Bannister's Son

My great nephew, Robert Bannister, was confirmed at church in Michigan a couple of weeks ago. Congratulations, Robert.